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TECXER was born from the union of industrial engineers from various sectors, committed to sustainability and with the aim of facilitating and solving all those doubts or technical problems that come your way.

No matter what, or when, or where, we will be happy to assist you.

Founder's Story

Sergio Gutiérrez, electrical industrial engineer and a constant entrepreneur, always thinking of new ideas that make our environment better. His entire professional career is linked to the industrial sector. He has been involved in the railway, construction and technical consultancy sectors, among others. At the age of 18 he started  his first entrepreneurial venture, which represented a very great personal advance  and in which he received the national prize for economy and competitiveness of Spain.

His passion for new technologies and renewable energies has made Tecxer a reality today.

"I like to learn and see the world, this makes me face new challenges, which I think will strengthen me for the future. I love interacting with people and I am always willing to give my best.  I value honesty very much, it is a pillar in my day to day, also the organization and the small details." Sergio.



Do you need advice or do you have any questions?

Contact us:


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